Archmage Staff
Syntax for drawing:
The first thing an Archmage will want to do is checkessence to determine what characteristics, if any, a given item's magical signature will offer to the Archmage's staff. Once they've chosen an item with the desired quality there are two steps to imbue the staff with that power. First of all the Archmage will have to draw essence from <target item> followed by one of the following:
imbue staff with essence <target item>
add essence to staff (lvl 10+)
force essence into staff (lvl 15+)
Imbuing a staff with more powers than it can contain will result in new patterns partially replacing existing ones. The action of adding will always preserve the existing ones, while the action of forcing will empower the new patterns so that they have a greater chance of finding a place in the staff.
Syntax of other Staff commands:
sense staff
dispose of staff
store staff (in Ackazaps' room)
reclaim staff (in Ackazaps' room)