Level 1 - 14 Priest Spells
Turn undead 1 Gullible Nice Harms undead monsters
Detect Evil 1 Gullible Neutral Detects alignment
Cure 2 Irrational Nice Heals hit points
Call Companion 3 Irrational Nice Call a donkey 1-9 or horse 10-16 or better!
Glyphs 4 Rational Neutral Marks a room or monster...
Flame strike 5 Gullible Neutral Call a flame of fire on your enemy.
Faerie fire 6 Gullible Nice Highlight enemy weak spots.
Light 7 Sensible Nice Light spell.
Purify 7 Sensible Good Turns wine to Holy water.
Protection from Evil 8 Shrewd Nice Armour spell against evil foes
Flame blade 9 Wise Nice A blade of fire, magic, light, and righteousness.
Prayer 10 Wise Nice Better and wider based protection spell.
Atone 11 Wise Neutral For when you stray and accidentally kill a good guy.
Bless 12 Very Wise Good Shield spell for all physical attacks.
Remote atone 13 Wise Neutral Like atone, but anywhere
Glight 14 Very Wise Nice Stronger light spell